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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 73: Bill Nussey

Guest Name(s): Bill Nussey

Join Matt with Mr. Bill Nussey, Podcast host, Author, Speaker and Businessman and tech CEO. Bill’s journey into clean energy began with a TED Talk, which grew into 100+ articles and, most recently, the #1 ranked renewable energy podcast called The Freeing Energy Podcast. All of this supported and ultimately led to his upcoming book, “Freeing Energy.” The book’s mission is to help readers understand a powerful new approach to accelerating the shift to clean energy. The core ideas focus on decentralized (or local) energy, novel business models, and the inspiring people driving these changes.

Freeing Energy >>

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Bill Nussey takes readers to mud huts in Africa, an off-grid farm in California, and a rural school in the mountains of Puerto Rico to uncover the underlying patterns of technology and business model innovation that are unleashing a clean energy revolution and challenging every assumption about our century-old, centralized electric grid…
Episode 73: Bill Nussey, Podcast Host, Author, Speaker, Businessman, & Tech CEO
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(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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