A Climate Change with Matt Matern Climate Podcast


Jay Sinha


Jay hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He is the co-founder and co-owner (with business partner Chantal Plamondon) of Life Without Plastic, a globally established online shop and information resource for safe, high quality, ethically-sourced, Earth-friendly alternatives to plastic products for everyday life, including zero waste essentials.

An honors degree in biochemistry from Western University taught him about the microscopic world. He completed civil and common law degrees at McGill University, followed by a dip back into science with a graduate diploma in ecotoxicology from Concordia University—all the better to understand the toxic effects of plastics. He has held various positions in the public, private and civil society sectors.

Jay is a co-author (with Chantal) of the timely bestselling book, Life Without Plastic: The Practical Step-by-Step Guide to Avoiding Plastic to Keep Your Family and the Planet Healthy.


Jay Sinha
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