A Climate Change with Matt Matern Climate Podcast


37: Producer John David Ware Discusses Tesla & "Final Frequency"

Guest Name(s): John David Ware

Guest host Harry Berberian speaks with John David Ware, producer of “Final Frequency.” The film explores Nikola Tesla’s contributions to green energy and the misuse of his innovations. Tesla’s vision of wireless energy transmission aimed to reduce fossil fuel dependency.

Despite his significant contributions, Tesla’s work often went unrecognized due to profit-driven motives. “Final Frequency” blends historical facts with speculative fiction, highlighting Tesla’s impact on technology and sustainability.

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A PhD student ties unusual tremors in Los Angeles to rogue scientists, who will weaponize Nikola Tesla’s secrets and cause massive earthquakes, if they can only find his lost notebook.
Producer John David Ware Discusses Tesla & "Final Frequency"
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You’re listening to Unite and Heal America and KABC 790 This is Matt Matern, your host you’re with Unite and Heal America with Matt Matern, and I am your guest host Harry Berberian. And today we have a fantastic guest, John David Ware producer of Final Frequency. And the reason why we’re having him on the show today is because it’s a show. It’s a movie about Tesla, somebody that actually was an innovator when it comes to green energy. John, welcome, welcome. Welcome to Unite and Heal America.

Thanks. I’m happy to be here.

Excellent. Excellent. So first of all, tell us a little bit about yourself, John, and about the movie Final Frequency about Tesla and the movie that you’re producing. So tell us a little about yourself in the

movie? Well, it’s a movie that would be encapsulated by the sentence. What if Nikola Tesla had a secret notebook that fell into the wrong hands? Wow. That’s the hook. And people know a little bit about Tesla and what he stood for. But, you know, as we were researching this movie, we found out a lot more than meets the eye and being fascinated by his research.

And by the use of his technology in the, you know, in today’s world, even still, and it has permutations to your cell phone, television, delight, Bob, radio, all that. And we wanted to examine how that looks today. And also, what does the misuse of his technology looked like as well?

Interesting, interesting. So what inspired you first of all, to do the film? What What about Tesla, you know, you must be somebody that is really a, an examiner of humanity and an examiner of what’s going on in our environment. What drew you to Tesla, initially?

Well, once you start hearing, when you hear the hook, the log line, you know what if Tesla’s secret notebook with the most deadly formulas fell into the wrong hands, like wow, I know a little bit about Tesla. And then you look into it a little bit more, and he had somewhere between 307 100 patents. And you know, all the patents for Mark Coney’s invention of radio came from Tesla 17 patents or anything like that

Mark Carney’s run Marconi, suppose that invention, Nikola Tesla was the one that really truly paved the way for the radio.

Yeah. So when when Marconi announced that he had been invented radio, Tesla said, Well, that’s fine, let him think that he’s only using 17. And my patents and Nikola Tesla was a bit of a showman and obviously competitive, but he was so far into his own mind, and just fascination with who the man was. kind of led to well, what what does that look like on today’s world stage? And what does it look like?

You know, with some of the technologies of the day, what both what is possible today and what might be possible tomorrow. So I can tell you a little bit more about the plot, if you’d like to hear Sure. Absolutely. Okay. So basically, there’s a technology called harp and harp is High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project. And that’s a real thing.

Okay, got it. And all the government’s big governments, China, Russia, us, they’re all using these, you know, arrays, and basically, you can think of it as a giant microwave antenna of field of antennas, broadcasting energy directly up into the ionosphere, which is 80 miles up. And that is then able to be directed anywhere around the planet to precisely any destination and you know, think of it as a laser focused kind of thing. And you can imagine what kind of permutations this could have.

You know, and there’s, there’s questions of, you know, things like the Cuba incident, they call it the Havana syndrome. This is thought to be a sonic weapon. You know, that it was in 2017 and Cuba in Havana. Some diplomats were disturbed greatly by nausea by fuzziness brain fog, inability to think and just like general an on unease and they were unable to perform their duties because of what is supposed to be a sonic weapon attack.

So we took that right there combined with some of the HAARP technology. And basically what happens is, you have these elitist scientists who are eugenicist as well. And they’re trying to find Tesla’s lost notebooks so that they can amp up their earthquake producing HAARP array, so that they can target that energy down on the G20. World leaders summit in LA on the fault line, collapse it on them and upset the balance of power.

While the only thing standing in their way, is a ragtag bunch of misfits, led by a grad student, a kind of a campus security cop demoted from the police force for doing the right thing. And a Deaf PTSD veteran, and they have a couple of armies, which are LARPers, to create a distraction. And the actual veteran, we used homeless veteran that was important to us to get them in there and use actual veteran, they’re a real part of vibrant part of our society.

So these these powers that be are using the HAARP technology, maliciously Correct? You mean currently? Yeah, well, well, well, no, in this in this particular in this movie, but like, how are some of the ideas like the environmental ideas that Tesla had?

You know, maybe let’s also talk about that, and how how maybe some of those ideas could be used in a beneficial way. And maybe as it relates to HAARP as well.

Okay. Well, Tesla’s life’s work was really to harness renewable energy. And basically, he had the one of the very first, if not the first hydroelectric power plant on net Niagara Falls. And so he was extremely involved with that. And he wanted to take these renewable sources of sources of energy and essentially eliminate fuel.

His thought was to transmit not only wirelessly but also through the Earth, using the earth as a medium for conducting energy, and transmit this energy wirelessly to planes, trains, and automobiles, thus eliminating the fossil fuel storage production and all that, you know, wasteful energy that that happens, when we do use fossil fuels, he wanted to make it a lot cleaner with this wireless conduction.

And it wasn’t just wireless, it was also, I mean, what you have is Wardenclyffe looks like a big radiating transmitter. But apparently, it’s not just for wireless and radiating energy, it’s also to drive the energy down through the earth, and then be able to use the earth as a conduit or a medium in which you could transmit free wireless energy to the entire planet.

Now, if you can do that, you can eliminate a lot of things that that go along with fossil fuels, with storing of energy, because you’re broadcasting it through the earth, and it’s a lot cleaner, it requires less energy to actually transmit, because you’re using the negative and positive charges are kind of like a battery, sending this energy through the earth.

And this was his dream, you know, to transmit free energy and free wireless energy. And this is kind of also what got him in trouble with his fund financier JP Morgan. Because, you know, let’s face it, the profit motive is why business happens.

Absolutely, one way, right, right. Absolutely. And so I mean, just like Tesla, you know, was a firm proponent, obviously an innovator of AC and, you know, the world and cluding, Edison tried to Depop utilize the idea. He was, you know, ultimately victorious. And as similarily I believe that this same concept of using the earth energy would also be victorious, but we’re going to expound more on this later here. In our next segment we got in a couple of minutes here.

We’re going to be coming up but I really want to expound more on this concept of of like, you know, using using the Earth’s energy and the you know, the sun’s energy to truly be like a green a green economy. And because really, I mean, we’re living to me, you know, in kind of like in the still in the dinosaur Rage being so, so dependent on fossil fuels correct?

You could say that yes,

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So again, this is KABC, Unite and Heal America with Matt Matern and I’m your guest host Harry Berberian, and we discuss things on the show that pertain mostly to the environment and how we can make a difference when it comes to the environment. We have a fascinating guests again, John David Ware producer of Final Frequency, we’ll be right back

As you may know your host Matt Matern of Unite and Heal America is also the founder of Matern Law Group, their team of experienced employment, consumer and environmental attorneys are dedicated to leveling the playing field by giving everyone access to the highest quality legal representation contact 844 MLG for you, that’s 844 MLG for you, or 84465449688446544968.

All right, you’re listening to KABC’s United and Heal America with Matt Matern. And I’m your guest host, Harry Berberian. And again, today on the show, we have a fascinating guest, John David Ware, the producer of Final Frequency a movie about Tesla, and how some of his ideas fell into malicious hands.

But we’re also talking mostly about how some of Tesla’s ideas and green energy ideas truly still are being implemented today, but couldn’t be implemented on a much wider scale. Again, thank you for coming on the program, John.

So tell us a little bit more about like, you know, let’s expound more, you know, because we’re focused on the environment about Tesla’s plan for like, wireless free energy for the planet, what, what are the things maybe in your, in your research for the movie? Did you discover about Tesla?

Well, as I said, he had this dream to have this wireless free energy for the planet. And he also was a conservationist far before it was, you know, in vogue, and even desired people were just scrounging to make a living. And in those days, and Tesla was looking at the light bulb, okay. And, you know, Edison is credited with that patent, I believe, although it’s, it should be shared with a lot of people.

And Tesla saw that the light bulb has two products, you know, it’s not just light, it’s mostly heat, in fact, you know, its product is, is more heat than than light in the incandescent bulb. And so what is he invented, he invented the fluorescent bulb, which reduced the heat, and thereby the energy consumption as well, or the wasted energy by about 90%. And you can touch a fluorescent bulb, you can handle it. While it’s yet another thing about Tesla, I never knew that he invented the fluorescent bulb go on.

Yeah, yeah, he invented that as well as neon bulbs as well. So, you know, both of those have far less energy consumption than the incandescent. And so therefore, you know, those two inventions right there. I mean, think of 90% reduction in wasted energy.

And there’s your green solution right there. You know, that’s being used in every office today. In fact, there’s many places you can’t even buy an incandescent bulb, nor would you want to, necessarily, but you know, the fluorescence that cuts energy consumption, probably by 40, or 50%.

Yeah, ya know, it’s something that’s often overlooked. But the thing that really fascinates me, is this idea of tapping in to the earth, earth energy. And, you know, there was there anything else you may be uncovered about that whole, you know, research and you know, about Tesla’s involvement in that?

Well, in our classroom scene, we discussed that and in the classroom scene you have the students are being lectured by the professor. And that’s played by brilliantly I might add by Charles Shaughnessy, who was at Star of the nanny with Fran Drescher. Oh, wow. And so he has all the kids grab a light bulb at one point, and then he turns on the tesla coil, and he’s able to light up all their light bulbs in the seat, showing the fact that Tesla’s radiate Energy was able to produce wirelessly the energy needed to light up these light bulbs.

And so, to Tesla, one thing that really was fascinating is that all of life, and everything has frequency, we have a, what’s called a resonant frequency. And when you reach the resonant frequency of, say, a building, or the wiranto Narrows Bridge, for instance, you destroy these things. So you can miss use this frequency technology to destroy things. And that’s, you know, part of what the spectrum is, for this HAARP technology. It’s all, you know, energy along a spectrum, there’s visible light, there’s infrared, and there’s, you know, all kinds of energy that are all on the spectrum.

So you have this, this, this thing that has a resonant frequency, and then you can tap into that frequency and either destroy it, or, you know, make it jump, make it do different things. And so, that was fascinating. And, you know, the idea of having the earth used as the medium to distribute free electric electricity. And it wasn’t just electricity. Tesla’s dream was not just free energy, it was also wireless communication for everyone.

So, to him a medium was going to contain all these frequencies, not just the energy, but also wireless communication. And he, in fact, envisioned a communicating device that was about the size of a wallet, think cell phones, okay, so he had in mind what we have today in our wireless phone communications system.

And, you know, that is it has profound implications on our world, of course, and, you know, the implications on the green energy system, or the green process, the green ification of the world have to do with the towers and you know, what, what you use what you used to have to put up as, you know, infrastructure for like, a wired system is now wireless.

So, you can eliminate a lot of, you know, tinkering with the Earth’s physical makeup like sinking, sinking poles, putting in wires, junking up the landscape? And so, so the wireless technology was something that I think he, he saw, not just frequency for energy, but also for wireless communication, much like what we’re seeing today.

Right. So I mean, there’s, there’s a huge untapped, both energy resource in the earth. And, and, and the means to, to do and, and the means for powering wireless communication as well. So, I mean, again, you know, it’d be interesting to find out how, one, you know, how we could go about tapping, you know, with Tesla, use it utilizing tests idea to go about tapping this, this unused energy of the earth, to to make this a greener planet, you may be because you have a good imagination.

Well, I mean, you know, beyond capital, capitalism, you know, trying to stop it from any, you know, obviously getting a free resource, but what are I’m, I’m wondering what some, what some ideas we could use as, as people, you know, you know, struggling with a, you know, an environment truly at risk, and using some of this untapped energy in the earth.

What do you what, what ideas? What if Tesla was around today, I’m wondering what he, you know, what he would propose, you know, maybe it can you think of any ideas?

Well, yeah, absolutely. I think, you know, as far as, you know, the elimination of fuels, as I mentioned before, it would be, you know, instead of you go to the fuel, the fuel comes to you through this wireless technology, and, you know, through, you know, the light bulbs that I mentioned in the film, and you know, other things that Tesla would do such as you know, he held a light bulb and it was a fluorescent bulb, he would light it up with no wires attached to it at all.

And how the heck was he able to do that again? Well, it’s it’s just by radiating energy and the tesla coil is a perfect example of that. It you know, shoots out plasma with low voltage so it doesn’t fry your it doesn’t fry you when you touch it, but you know, it has the power to connect to things why wirelessly, and that includes the light bulbs.

And so if you can get the energy to reach the fluorescent ball, or even an incandescent bulb, you can get it to light up. And that wireless technology is ubiquitous in our world, you know, you see it, wireless routers, wireless internet, wireless phones. And soon I think we will see tech Tesla’s ideas, realized in that we’ll have wireless energy more and more.

And you today, you can get a little plate and put your cell phone on it, they’ll charge your phone, it’s not very efficient. But you know, it, it couldn’t be with with some modifications, and Tesla was all about that.

So you’re, you’re you’re, you’re saying that we’re going to innovate some of the Tesla’s ideas, and actually, somehow, we’re going to be able to, to wirelessly transmit the energy from the earth to power to power our, our machinery rather than relying on fossil fuels.

Absolutely. And I think that, that time is absolutely, here now. And you’re going to see, like, with the 5g technology, that’s all about wireless energy, you know, not just I mean, but the medium, you know, again, I can’t stress enough the frequency, because it’s energy is frequency.

And communication is also frequency. So the 5G can carry energy. And it does, it carries high energy, high voltage, low voltage, but high energy, and it can power stuff as well as how to carry communication waves.

Right? So I mean, I imagine if between the Sun and the Earth, we have more than enough resource to power, the machinery of life. And we don’t need to rely on fossil fuels, and it’s not being implemented correctly in our society. Maybe, you know, we, you know, it would be interesting, you know, you know, to brainstorm ideas, some brainstorm some ideas to to implement some of these, you know, some, you know, because I have an innate feeling that they collect, so is right, because he is right about a lot of things.

And, you know, it’s something that, you know, really, truly the solutions to our environment, may very well lay under our feet. So, which is truly ironic, maybe, do you think of, like, a brainstorm idea, like, you know, I mean, you know, in terms of what we could do, like, in a realistic way, you know, I mean, you know, Elon Musk, you know, harnessing, you know, Tesla automobiles, that’s all well, and all well and good, but, you know, there’s battery storage implications and all that stuff. Maybe you could talk about that a little bit.

Well, Tesla was involved in, you know, developing a rechargeable battery. But I think he, towards the end of his life, he was distracted by, you know, weapons technology. He was very concerned in that those weapons would be used for defensive purposes, versus offensive. And, you know, that is in itself, huge conservation implications there because, you know, the destruction of the planet versus the protection of the planet, right guy.

By the way, we’re gonna continue this conversation again, this is KABC’s Unite and Heal America with Matt Matern. I’m your guest host Harry Berberian. More. More on this one, David.

Again, this is KABC’s Unite and Heal America with Matt Matern. I’m your guest host, Harry Berberian. And again, we have John David Ware, producer Final Frequency that’s movie a movie about Tesla, and we’re gonna continue this conversation about Tesla and you know, his, you know, getting distracted towards the end, you know, when it came to, to, to weapons, both the offensive and defensive nature of them. Tell us a little bit more about that job.

Yeah, you know, Tesla’s was being pushed and pulled every which way by, you know, the whims of his incredibly fertile mind, of course, but as he saw the drums of war beating louder and louder with Hitler coming to power, you know, what was on his mind, defensive weapons and how to combat the offense that was going on in the world.

So he died in 1943 at The New Yorker, hotel, and I recently went there to shoot a documentary and I went to the places he went. And to kind of deal with some of the pressures of weight of the world. I mean, if you’re doing stuff that’s, you know, bordering on world destruction, which he was dealing with those elements, much as Einstein was, then you’re gonna have a lot of weight of the world on you plus dealing with JP Morgan and in Sears.

And, you know, fighting with Edison, and Westinghouse, and JP Morgan, all those things, he would go and retreat to Bryant Park where we shot some footage, and he would commune with the pigeons. He even claimed to have fallen in love with a pigeon, like physical love with a pigeon. And it was there that he would go to think about what he was doing.

And he had begin to focus very hyperfocus on weapons technology. And so there’s a memo from the FBI, that was dated September 22, 1940, and it was sent to J. Edgar Hoover. And it was concerning an article printed in the New York Times. And it was based on Tesla’s invention, which was called tele force. Tesla claimed that this could melt the bombs on planes from 250 miles away, and it would have the diameter of 100 250 million centimeters of it was a tiny beam is what it was. And so this could be directed, and the media dubbed this as the death ray.

Okay. And so Tesla was focused on this as the media was kind of demonizing it. And, you know, Tesla said that, hey, I’ll produce this immediately, the price tag was $2 million, which was a huge sum at the time, you know, in 1940s. And he said, but the unit, the government could not interfere, he would suffer no interference from experts.

So it was shortly after that, that he died. And it was fascinating, because, you know, one US president, a recent one was associated with when Tesla died, there was, you know, there was a commission that was set up, the government swooped in, and they grabbed all of his effects to make sure that there were no weapons of war or things that could be very dangerous if they fell into enemy hands. And the uncle of a US president was the one they tapped, was an engineer and a scientist, to essentially go through Tesla’s effects and pronounce them as dangerous, or nothing to see here.

And of course, nothing to see here was the verdict. But can you tell me which US president? That guy was I mean, relation to which US President? Which one? I don’t know. Was it Eisenhower? Was it Clinton? Was it Obama? Was it Trump? Was it Hoover?

Was a Kennedy Hmm. I’m gonna guess Clinton, but I don’t know the guy’s name was John G. Trump. Interesting, the uncle to our former President Trump. Interesting, he actually went through, you know, all these trunks of, of Tesla’s effects, with a fine tooth comb, fine tooth comb, and, you know, eventually pronounced it. Interesting, but not significant. And the notebook that we’re talking about in the movie, people say, is there a notebook?

And I’m like, yes, there is there is a secret notebook. But there’s probably hundreds of secret notebooks. So at that time, Tesla died, he claimed to have 80 trunks of research, papers, intentions, all this stuff stored in the New Yorker Hotel. Well, when they returned the stuff after pronouncing it inert, so to speak, there were only 60 trunks, you know.

And in the actual FBI memo, where are they detailed, you know, opening the safe that Tesla had in his room, The New Yorker, they talk about, one of the guys removed a book. And it was given to Saba Kasana vich, who was Tesla’s nephew, is also the former in the government of Yugoslavia. And he took a book out and it was birthday citations or greetings, you know, for Tesla’s 75th birthday, but it was in the safe So we’re like, Okay, well, what was really in that book? Was that a cover for something?

So there there is this this book that is represented by not only that, but, you know, probably hundreds, literally hundreds of other journals that Tessa would have recorded his thoughts and experiments in.

Fascinating. Fascinating. Again, now we were talking earlier also we touched upon in the break, we were talking about some of the Nikola Tesla’s ideas about harnessing cosmic energy. Can you expound on that?

Yeah, um, cosmic energy is different than than solar energy. And Tesla had a real desire to harness these cosmic rays, and use them to operate devices, he actually said about cosmic rays is that their attractiveness, and the features of cosmic rays is their constancy. They say they showered down on us throughout the whole 24 hours. And this is a quote from Tesla.

And he said, and if a plant is developed to use their power, it will not require devices for storing energy, as would be necessary with devices using wind, tide or sunlight. So in other words, you’ve got this cosmic energy raining down all day long. And instead of collecting it and storing it, like with a solar panel, you’re collecting and transmitting. So you’re taking this energy, that’s all the time coming, and sending it to where it needs to go.

And so if, if this is possible, you know, which I’m still researching that. But if it’s possible, then you wouldn’t eliminate the need for a bunch of battery storage, and plants to store the energy and then use it at this proper time. And then you could have, you know, far less heavy metal batteries made of lithium, cadmium, things like that. And that is, you know, those batteries are a huge drain on, you know, the cleanliness of the planet.

And so I think that, you know, essentially, using the medium of the Earth, which was part of his distribution system, was it was not just the Earth, but also the wireless technology through the air, then, I think his idea was absolutely to reduce dependency on some of these fossil fuels, and other ways that we’re used to powering our devices.

Wow. So between solar energy, the Earth’s energy and cosmic energy, potentially, we could be, we’re not utilizing, you know, enough of these energy sources, and we could be doing so wirelessly, quote, unquote, to power let’s say our vehicles and not to have, you know, stored batteries, you know, Matt Matern, the, the host of the show, he drives a hydrogen car, and he because he’s not a real fan of the, you know, battery storage, and because it’s not good for our environment, ironically.

So I mean, the thing is, is that, so you’re thinking that it’s possible? Well, who knows, but you know, we have to test it to use this cosmic energy to power, let’s say, vehicles and not have to use stored batteries.

Yeah, and the idea was, as I said, Tesla thought that it was possible to eliminate fuel, you know, so you don’t go to the fuel, the fuel comes to your car, to your plane to the train, you know, on a wireless energy delivered distribution system, or it comes through the earth and comes up through your, your diodes or whatever, you know, your your terminals, powers you that way.

And it’s kind of like, you know, you’ve seen those trams and they had the little energy bar up top, and that’s what powers them. But again, it needs it needs a tract run. Now, Tessa was talking about a wireless way of delivering it and, you know, it kind of was coinciding with, you know, delivering through the Earth’s crust through the Earth, as well as you know, wireless, where you need it. Maybe wireless was the last mile, you know.

So I mean, I would say the key question here is to truly how, how do we, how do we implement the next, you know, stage of, you know, Nikola Tesla’s ideas and, you know, inventions and research to be able to now implement and test out and research and develop these, you know, the use of the Earth’s energy cosmic energy we’ve already utilized.

You know, solar energy but the earth and the cosmic energy and have it wirelessly transmit, transmitted to our, to our, you know, to our, to our machines out there. I mean, that’s the next chapter. The question is, how do we implement it? Again, you’re listening to KABC’s Unite and Heal America with Matt Matern. I’m your guest host Harry Berberian and we’ll be right back.

KABC’s Unite and Heal America with Matt Matern. And I’m your guest post Harry Berberian. And again, we have John David Ware, producer of the movie Final Frequency all about Tesla. And again, it’s very fascinating. We were just talking again about you know, how maybe we can, you know, use utilize some of you know, like, you know, chipping out the next chapter for Tesla, Tesla’s ideas to be implemented to to use the earth energy and the cosmic energy to shoot in order to be more environmentally friendly.

Maybe, maybe, you know, you’re you’re a producer and you know, this movie, it’s a fictional account, but at the same time, there’s some reality to it, maybe tell me a little bit more about like, in the creating of this movie, maybe how, how you can see how some of Tesla’s visions can be, you know, brought to fruition?

Well, when we were creating the movie, we started with a pitch from Tim Lowry, you know, he’s the one that pitched us the idea with Tesla’s last notebook fell into the wrong hands. And that was fascinating. And, you know, we’re looking at different ways that Tesla’s energy is, is patents, his life’s work have been used. And part of it, part of what we looked at was the Havana syndrome and the sonic energy weapons attack that happened in Havana and has happened, you know, in last few years with increasing frequency in Washington, DC, Austria, it’s been happening a lot.

And that is part of what we took, you know, as as our impetus for creating the song Sonic Weapons in the film. And so, the sonic weapons are used by bad guys to try to defeat the good guys and find that notebook. And the reason they’re unable to affect this one guy is he’s deaf. And so Sonic Weapons don’t affect him. So we thought that was that was a cool thing, the HAARP technology, and you know, using HAARP to create an earthquake, you know, these things are out there.

Yeah. But there’s evidence that, you know, we are affecting weather, and storms with HAARP. You can go on the internet and find, you know, I’ve seen a blast that comes from an area where let’s just say there’s a harbor array, it comes in a blast, this, I have a storm. And the storm takes a 90 degree turn and has landfall and I’m like, Whoa, that’s scary stuff.

So there’s many, many things that we researched and looked at and and we wanted to, you know, set up the basic question that, you know, are people equal? Or do some have more worth based on their intellect, their money, their abilities, and all that? And so we set up the central theme in question of the film as you Genesis scientists, with bad ideas against, you know, the everyday man and woman. And that’s the clash of ideas that you always have in a film and that’s, that’s what we did.

So, you know, what we what we had to do is, is find a cast that was worthy of what we were doing Kirby bliss, Blanton is our star, and Lou Ferrigno, Jr. Plays Frank, and he’s the campus cop, that kind of falls for the girl and starts to, you know, go and rescue the professor who’s played by Charles Shaughnessy from the nanny. And then we have Luke golden and Richard Burgie. And those are the main main characters and it just worked out really nice.

We shot it in about 15 days and currently It’s been distributed. And it’s available on Salem now, which is watched at Salem now.com. And there’s my phone going off old school phone rings. Yeah, it’s actually a rotary museum piece Tesla, Tesla would love it. Sure. But we have a great cast and really exciting pacing on the thing. And we’re just very excited to get it out on Amazon. That’ll be in about 10 days, it’ll be available on Amazon.

It’ll be on Vudu, Google, and Apple TV. So that’s coming soon. And we also have a Tesla Conference coming very soon, which is actually Sunday, Tesla conference, tell us about the Tesla conference, the Tesla conference is our website is final frequencies film.com that has all the information about the film, as well as the Tesla conference. The conference is going to be at 12:30, Pacific Daylight Time to 3:30.
And of course, that’s 3:30 to 6:30. Eastern time.

And we’re going to have four experts that are going to talk about Tesla for three hours. And we’re going to show a little mini documentary that I shot at the Hotel New Yorker, which was Tesla’s home for 10 years. last 10 years of his life, he actually died there in room 3327 and 28. And we shot a documentary there just basically walking through, you know, the hotel, there’s still a lot of infrastructure from Tesla’s day, because it would take a fortune to get rid of it.

And, and, you know, take it out plus, I mean, it’s fascinating. You’ve got this control grid for the DC power system that used to power the hotel, they were not on the grid back in the day. It opened in 1930, you know, right at about the height of the Depression. So it was it was difficult for them, but they did survive. And so anyway, the conference is going to have Mark Cipher, it’ll have Mark is an author expert on Tesla. It’ll have Joe Kinney, who was the building manager, Chief Engineer at the New Yorker Hotel for 10 years, it’ll have the the past president of the Tesla Science Foundation.

And it’ll have Gary Peterson, who’s also an author. And we’re going to talk about that the Tesla’s life. And, you know, who was he? And why did he end up penniless broke in New York? What were his ideas on renewable energy? We’re going to talk about many different things and and then we’re going to show clips from the film like a extended sneak peek of Final Frequency, as well, as we’ll show the documentary.

And we’ll award some of the prizes, we got some exciting prizes for the contest, we’ve got a Tesla challenge, which you can also find it Final Frequency film.com. It’s 33 questions, because Tesla was on the 33rd floor. It was just with the numbers three, six, and nine, write your answer, you answer the questions. And if you score high enough, then you’re eligible to win two nights stay in Tesla’s actual room at the New Yorker.

And we also have developed, we have produced a duplicate a replica of Tesla’s secret notebook that as seen in the film Final Frequency. It’s a leather bound piece that’s really, really nice for collectors, and it has printed in the pages. Tesla’s actual handwriting describing his own experiments on an application to an engineer society. And it also has happy message which didn’t get a lot with Tesla. Let’s face it, he was very serious guy.

But it says Happy voyage, Richard, written on a playbill for a play called The comic history of England, and signed Nikola Tesla. Wow, how the hell did I get that? Well, actually, the the samples of his writing came from the building manager of the New Yorker for 10 years, Joe Kenny. And so we’re very grateful to him along with all of our panelists. It’s gonna be a free panel that people can just go and register and tune in. It’s going to be fascinating on Sunday, this Sunday.

Well, that’s, again, how can people access it, again, remind FinalFrequencyfilm.com FinalFrequencyfilm.com.

And what is, again, what is the frequency of Final Frequency refer to the frequency, again remind our listeners.

Well as in the classroom scene and Final Frequency all is frequency according to Tesla, and you know, you you have a frequency, if I were to find your resonant frequency and duplicate that pump that amount of energy into you, you would explode theoretically.

And they’ve they’ve done these experiments where you find the resonant frequency of a building, or in the film, you see a bridge, and the wind gets this bridge to sway and sway and sway and finally, the vibration.

I mean, it’s it’s mechanical vibration, or it’s, you know, it’s a beam of vibration, whatever it is, you get something to vibrate at the resonance frequency, it blows up, you do see yourself, John possibly, you know, after the success of this film, like maybe even doing like, you know, maybe a story about, you know, exploring themes of Tesla, maybe more so about how some of his his visions could be, could be used for for to make a difference. I mean, which is such a hot topic for the environment.

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, this film is science fiction. So its its main purpose is to entertain, are we likely to see a film that really gets into the true story of Tesla, because it’s incredible and fantastic in itself. He was a gambling addict. He had mental breakdowns, he, he went crazy at certain points in his life.

And, you know, he seemed to operate in a kind of a trancelike state, mainly focusing on his experiments and what he was doing. But I’d like to see more true story of what, who he was, and you know, the implications for a green planet as well.

This has been a fascinating topic. We’re out of time now about we’ve had John David, where our producer of Final Frequency, give us the name of the website. Final Frequency film.com. Terrific. This has been Unite and Heal America on KABC with Matt Matern, and we’ll see you next week – Saturday 1pm Pacific on KABC 790 AM.

Thank you so much.

(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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