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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 64: Brian Goldstein

Guest Name(s): Brian Goldstein

Join Matt Matern and Brian Goldstein for a discussion about hydrogen energy and the important trailblazing work of Energy Independence Now (EIN).

Energy Independence Now >>

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Join Matt Matern and Brian Goldstein for a discussion about hydrogen energy and the important trailblazing work of Energy Independence Now (EIN).
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Energy Independence Now (EIN) is the only environmental nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and renewable hydrogen infrastructure for transportation, renewable energy storage and deep decarbonization. Our organization engages in comprehensive research, policy advocacy and public outreach to promote the widespread adoption of a diverse zero-emission portfolio. Committed to fighting climate change and improving air quality, EIN believes that FCEVs and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are critical to catalyze a rapid transition to a clean energy economy.
Episode 64: Brian Goldstein, Executive Director at Energy Independence Now
Episode Audio Links:

(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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