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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 80: Patrick Gilman

Guest Name(s): Patrick Gilman

Join us for a chat with Patrick Gilman, Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technology Office. Patrick is involved with activities in market research, economic modeling and other work to help evaluate potential innovations in wind technology and understand wind’s place in our energy mix today and in the future.

Patrick Gilman >>

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Patrick is a Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technology Office. In this position, he leads the office’s analysis program, including activities in market research, economic modeling and other work to help evaluate potential innovations in wind technology and understand wind’s place in our energy mix today and in the future…
Bureaucrat. Purveyor of fine wind energy analysis and R&D. Flatball has-been. Tweets = mine, rare.
Episode 80: Patrick Gilman
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(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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