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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 65: Dr. Amgad Elgowainy

Guest Name(s): Dr. Amgad Elgowainy

Dr. Elgowainy is a senior scientist and a group leader at Argonne National Laboratory who leads technoeconomic and environmental life cycle analysis of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and battery electric vehicles.

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Dr. Amgad Elgowainy is a senior scientist and the leader of the Electrification and Infrastructure Group at Argonne National Laboratory, leading a large team of researchers covering engineering process modeling, environmental life cycle analysis and techno-economic analysis of energy systems, fuel infrastructure and vehicle technologies…
Argonne is a multidisciplinary science and engineering research center, where talented scientists and engineers work together to answer the biggest questions facing humanity, from how to obtain affordable clean energy to protecting ourselves and our environment. Ever since we were born out of the University of Chicago’s work on the Manhattan Project in the 1940s, our goal has been to make an impact — from the atomic to the human to the global scale…
Episode 65: Dr. Amgad Elgowainy, Scientist & Group Leader at Argonne National Laboratory
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(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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