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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 23: Scott and Neysa

Guest Name(s): Scott Culbertson, Neysa Frechette

Matt Matern talks with Scott Culbertson and Neysa Frechette, from Friends of Ballona Wetlands, about state and importance of wetlands.

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Prior to extensive housing and commercial development in the 20th Century, the Ballona Wetlands encompassed more than 2,000 acres. In 1978, Ruth Lansford gathered other concerned citizens to join her in protecting what remained of the wetlands. That year, Lansford created and secured nonprofit status for Friends of Ballona Wetlands, and thereafter, the nascent organization pursued protracted litigation against a series of developers. In 2003, the State of California, the developer of Playa Vista, and the Friends reached an agreement to preserve approximately 600 acres of the Wetlands. The Friends’ history of advocacy through activism, working with other NGOs, and creating community restoration and educational programs established the organization as a leading voice in preserving the Ballona Wetlands.
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(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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