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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 24: Bryn Lindblad

Guest Name(s): Bryn Lindblad

Matt Matern talks with Bryn Lindblad, deputy director of Climate Resolve, about the top contributors of greenhouse gases in California.

Episode Categories:
Matt Matern talks with Bryn Lindblad, deputy director of Climate Resolve, about the top contributors of greenhouse gases in California.
Show Links:
Climate Resolve builds collaborations to champion equitable climate solutions. We connect communities, organizations and policymakers to address a global problem with local action. We inclusively develop practical initiatives that reduce climate pollution and prepare for climate impacts. Using our collective power to tackle climate change, we are creating a thriving California and inspiring others to act. Our purpose is a just and resilient future.
A Climate Change with Matt Matern show thumbnail
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(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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