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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 25: Rex Parris

Guest Name(s): Rex Parris

Matt Matern talks to Rex Parris, about climate change & the environment. Mayor Rex Parris is a municipal innovator for clean, renewable energy.

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Matt Matern talks to Rex Parris, about climate change & the environment. Mayor Rex Parris is a municipal innovator for clean, renewable energy.
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R. Rex Parris is a Lancaster, California native who was first elected as Mayor in 2008. Currently serving his fifth term, Parris’ leadership revolves around the overall well-being of Lancaster residents, with emphasis on public safety, crime reduction, community health and wellness, as well as community and civic pride; all of which have resonated well among citizens and constituents, in addition to gaining Parris nationwide recognition.
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(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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