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A Climate Change with Matt Matern
Climate Podcast

Episode 86: Kyle Ash, Policy Director for the Bank Information Center

Guest Name(s): Kyle Ash

Join Matt for a lively discussion with Kyle Ash, Policy Director for the Bank Information Center, which coordinates with the World Bank to bring about positive change for the environment.

Kyle Ash (LinkedIn) >>

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Kyle is Policy Director at BIC. For the last fifteen years, he has campaigned on human rights, animal rights, ecological integrity, agriculture, nutrition, and energy. Currently, he also chairs the board of the US Climate Action Network, the largest network of organizations collaborating to fight climate change. He is driven to undo policies that reaffirm structural inequities and to see that public institutions are democratic, transparent, and accountable…
As an NGO leader in policy and political strategy, I have campaigned in coalition for legislation and regulations on numerous issues including agriculture, climate, forests, human rights, nutrition, and oceans. I aim to bring justice, equity, diversity and inclusion into progressive nonprofit advocacy as a reflection of both who we are and what we are trying to achieve…
Episode 86: Kyle Ash
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(Note: this is an automatic transcription and may have errors in formatting and grammar.)

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